Keyword: «adaptation»

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In article it is a question of importance of components of that environment where the person develops and receives the first social experiences which should it help to be defined in life in all positive senses and to become the worthy citizen of the country, to be able to resist to negative calls of environment. In this connection it is offered, as one of ways, the secular education, which purpose development of civil and spiritual consciousness of the person in teaching and educational process
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The paper describes an approach to teaching students (bachelors) undergraduate students specializing in mathematics (training areas) mathematical analysis based on the author's views developed in the course of practice in the last ten years. Disclosed typing lessons workshop stages each of them, are interesting examples used in the course of working with students in the workshop.
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The authors discuss the features of adaptation of senior preschool age children with severe speech defects to the conditions of the compensative groups in preschool of combined type. The authors give the directions, methods, form of psychological and pedagogical work on its optimization.
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The author analyzes the features of social adaptation of students at the university. The author describes the materials of the empirical study aimed at investigating the dynamics of students adaptation at the university. The author confirms the assumption that the university environment and proper organization of the educational process greatly increase the adaptation of students and their commitment to their future careers.
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The author substantiates the importance of psycho-pedagogical support provided to first-year students during their adaptation to University life. The adaptation problems have been identified experimentally. The author also describes the experience of an academic adviser as well as various forms of psycho-pedagogical support provided to first-year students.