Keyword: «adolescent»

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Prоblеm оf the influеncе оf thе аdоlеscеnts’ sеlf-rеlаtiоn оn thеir prоfеssiоnаl mоtivаtiоn is tоuchеd by us in this аrticlе. Thе rеsults оf thе study prоvеd thаt: within thе frаmеwоrk оf this sеlеctiоn, rеspоndеnts with intеrnаl typе оf mоtivаtiоn dеmоnstrаtе, оn thе whоlе, thе uppеr lеvеls оf thе sеlf-аpprеciаtiоn аnd оf thе sеlf-еfficаcy; rеspоndеnts with еxtеrnаl typе оf mоtivаtiоn dеmоnstrаtе, оn thе whоlе, thе lоw lеvеls оf thе sеlf-аpprеciаtiоn аnd оf thе sеlf-еfficаcy. Dаtа suppоrtеd thе hypоthеsis аbоut thе distinctiоns оf typеs оf аdоlеscеnts’ mоtivаtiоn оf chоicе оf thеir futurе prоfеssiоn dеpеnding upоn chаrаctеristics оf thеir sеlf-аpprеciаtiоn аnd оf lеvеls оf thеir sеlf-еfficаcy.
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The article is devoted to study the problem of self-esteem of teenagers during the period of adaptation dur-ing the transition to secondary level. By the beginning of Junior adolescence is another social situation that you shall be expressed in the enhancement of mental, emotional and physical stress, in the alternation of leading activities, presentation of new requirements to the personality and, above all, to its socio-psychological level. And this, in turn, can lead to decreased self-esteem.
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Problem of influence of adolescents’ self-relation on their motivation to future profession is touched by the author in this paper. The results of the study prove that within the framework of this selection, respondents with internal type of motivation demonstratethe upper levels of the self-appreciation and self-efficacy; respondents with external type of motivation demonstrate low levels of self-appreciation and self-efficacy. Data supported the hypothesis about the distinctions of types of adolescents’ motivation to future profession choice upon characteristics of their self-appreciation and levels of their self-efficacy.
The article presents an approach to the problem of the predisposition of adolescent's personality to addictive behavior, the rapid growth of which has been noted in Russia over the past decade. In the course of the study, it was established that the deformation of personal qualities is an essential socio-psychological feature of the manifestation of addictive behavior by adolescents. The authors proposed practical recommendations for the organization of preventive work with adolescents.
The article presents the theoretical foundations of the study of personal helplessness in adolescents. Author's analysis of the concept of personal helplessness, as well as ideas about personal helplessness in adolescents in scientific publications. Concludes that personal helplessness in adolescence includes all structural components (cognitive, emotional, motivational, volitional), the content of which leads to a decrease in success in activities and communication, unsystematic and inconsistent control of behavior and activities.