Keyword: «art»

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In the article the concept of the value of works of art. Are described by the value of the product components such as the aura of the protest and the image xy dozhnika as a man standing in the world. Examines a phenomenon of popularity of the "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci.
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The article is devoted to teaching students the organization of musical activity, the need for a focused teacher training, which must be combined fundamental education and profound assimilation of scientific bases of professional and practical mastery of it, with the formation of practical skills.
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The article considers problem of the development of modern means of artistic personality formation. By retrospective and comparative analysis of the development of art education in the Left-Bank Ukraine Collegium XVIІІ – beg. The nineteenth century. reveals the impact of arts education on the level of culture and comprehensive development of the school and studens past and present, that is the key objective of modernization of contemporary art education.
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The article reveals the stages of pedagogical technology of forming ideas about the artistic image in chil-dren 6–7 years based on the integration of expressive means of music and the visual arts in the context of the educational field of “artistic and aesthetic development”.
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The article presents the main theoretical views of leading Russian and foreign educators and psycholo-gists in the field of modern educational technologies, the use ofgaming technology in the educational pro-cess; in the paper are also given artistic and didactic games and exercises used in the classroom of the history of art.