Keyword: «bilingualism»

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The perception of the native language flows in direct connection with the cognition of objective reality. Mastering nonnative language takes place through the medium of the mother tongue, based on it. Therefore, the psychology of second language acquisition is closely connected with the development of bilingualism in students. In determining the psychological background of second language acquisition must be based on the nature of the interaction between the native and the second language in educational process, relations the contacting languages of the two systems.
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The paper is devoted to the problem of learning Russian as a foreign language on the example of primary Adyghe school.
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The article examines the linguistic relationships between people which, at whatever level they are developing, are realized by means of the interaction of languages. Changes in the lives of the peoples are reflected in the lexicon, which represents a subsystem of language that actively responds to extralinguistic phenomena in the peoples’ life.
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In recent years significant increase in prevalence of speech pathology at children and sharp weighting of its quality in the form of emergence of a set of the combined frustration which aren't limited besides only is observed by violation of speech function. In this regard the problem of competent differential diagnostics of various violations of speech and mental development in children is of particular importance. Article is devoted to directly differential diagnostics of violations of the speech in structure of emotional frustration.
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The ratio of contacting languages in the learning process in the context of bilingualism is determined not only by the nature of bilingualism, and place of each of the contacting languages in the social, public and educational system of the region, for the purpose of learning each language in a particular national school.