Keyword: «brainstorming»

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The aim of the article is the justification for the formation and application of critical thinking using different types of case studies in teaching foreign language to students of economic universities.
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The paper offers an option of filling the content of the discipline "Fundamentals of design" for 10 grade students of higher school. The program is an obligatory component of the regional curriculum of edu-cational institutions of the Kirov region. Organization of students activities is performed in the active form in three complementary and interdependent lines: technology of creation and description of a project; improving students’ personal qualities for successful mastering project activity; methods of scientific creativity and development of creative personality by means of project activities. The result of the discipline are socially relevant research projects, designed by students.
The article deals with creativity - the tools to stimulate creative thinking, methods of creative thinking in the teaching of mathematics. The author emphasizes the need for new approaches to the study of mathematical disciplines, introduction of innovative technologies in the teaching of mathematics. According to the author, the use of creative tools to stimulate creative thinking of students of POO has a positive effect on learning and personal development.
The article discusses the example of the application of creative technologies in conducting training sessions on the subject "Geodesy". The author considers important the use of mind maps in the educational process. Methods of constructing mental maps allows you to improve learning of information useful to analyze the different tasks of professional activity, actively contributes to the development of structural thinking.
Modern society requires highly qualified competitive specialists susceptible to creative work, capable of continuous improvement of professionalism, having adaptation and professional mobility, a sense of responsibility. The article presents the experience of using creative technologies at the lessons of industrial training.