Keyword: «career guidance»

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In the article the features of forming of the value relations of high school students in the process of professional training, allocated teachers-economic terms.
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Combination of internal and external carrier choice factors form the foundation of the career guidance is the base of work with school children. The authors reveal the mechanism aimed at the development of profes-sional self-determination internal factors. This mechanism is based on the integration of school education, extra-curriculum activities and IEA* networking collaboration with city’s general education institutions. Au-thors define as well the development vectors of professional self-determination external factors through IEA’s social partnership with local business and network collaboration with local professional education in-stitutions based on Kirovo-Chepetsk labor market needs.
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The Increase of social and labour potential of young people, building development indicators of social and labour potential of youth, and to increase the economic activity of the working-age population and strength-en the relationship of the educational services market and labour market. The author discusses methods of vocational guidance.
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The paper deals with the process of professional self-determination of senior pupils. The authors point to the need for specific teaching conditions in career guidance of high school students with the aim of building an effective professional self-determination and reveal the influence of thinking type of senior pupils as an intra factor for professional orientation.
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In a market economy are of particular importance in the process of preparation of students to independent cognitive activity in the University. One of the directions of preparation of future entrants – proforientational work on the basis of educational institutions that are involved in the status of the innovation platform of the intersection of languages and cultures. Career guidance is implemented in the process of complex events, which are held a temporary research group consisting of scientists, teachers and students on base educational institutions.