Keyword: «characteristics»

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The paper presents the problem of psychological characteristics of generations depending on the cultural context and gives the American, Chinese, Indian and Russian generation models. The transfer of generation conceptualization is impossible without historical and cultural conditions of their development and formation. Empirically determined features of modern generations of Southern Russia show the differences between generations and within one generation.
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The paper is devoted to mastering health-behavior by children of senior preschool age. The author defines the criteria for health-keeping behavior, corresponding indicators, results of the ascertaining experiment in the form of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the level of preschoolers’ health-keeping behavior.
This article examines the characteristics of modern foreign-language professional discourse, the issues of which are widely covered in the works of linguists. The article provides a list of certain areas of activity that are of the greatest interest to researchers, gives a classification of the most significant of them on the example of various languages, indicates the names of individual works of scientists. It is noted that one of the important characteristics of modern foreign-language professional discourse includes certain linguistic means, including metaphorical expressions that function in this kind of discourse.
the article analyzes modern psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of personality self-attitude. Approaches to understanding self-attitude, the essence of self-attitude of an individual, the function of self-attitude in human life are considered. The foundations of the formation and development of a person's self-attitude are revealed. Conclusions are also made on the indicated problem.
The article describes the results of the conducted research on the stated topic, which helped to reveal the essence and concept of leadership qualities of a teenager. To identify the most significant, essential characteristics of adolescents that contribute to the formation of leadership qualities. The influence of self-esteem on the formation of leadership qualities of a teenager is shown.