Keyword: «conditions»

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The article considers a number of problems of the English language teaching connected with disintegration and malfunctioning of a methodological system at a higher education institution. The author offers his solution of the problems on both organizational and comprehensive levels.
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This paper presents the results of testing of psycho-pedagogical correction uncertainty preschool children in order to develop positive attitudes towards peers. The regularities psychocorrectional process: uneven, synchronicity, senzitivnost, by stages. Mechanisms correction uncertainty age children are: feedback, inter-personal influence, learning, confrontation projection. The factors that hinder the proper performance of tasks, as well as conditions of effective psycho activity.
This article shows the problems of future military pilots’ professional training. Improving the quality of military pilots’ training can’t be without creating educational environment. And there is an example of using educational environment in the article.
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Currently, organizations are faced with many social and economic problems, therefore, the issues of the organization's personnel motivation, the search for the most effective methods and means of increasing labor motivation, are becoming more urgent. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate, work out and test a psychological training program for the development of motivation to achieve success among employees of the organization. The article presents the results of diagnostics of the motivational sphere of employees, and considers the possibilities of increasing the motivation for achieving success by means of a psychological training program. The author describes the main mechanisms for the development of motivation to achieve success and highlights the factors that complicate this process.