Keyword: «correction»

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The mythologization of professional consciousness is seen as a form of structuring thinking of the future of the teacher-psychologist, defining the conditions of lack of knowledge of a few distorted view of peda-gogical phenomena. In the structure of professional consciousness of students mythological components characterize the expansion of knowledge and its «embedding» in the fabric of the fragmented scientific ideas in connection with their nonsystematization, a lack of reflection, criticality, and also under the influence of motivational-semantic entities personality, the determinants of the acceptability of distorted, but received the appearance of a scientific substantiation of concepts. The article addresses the following mythological components of professional consciousness of future teachers-psychologists: perverted scientific naive-mythological, compensatory and mythological, protective-mythological, aesthetic-mythological, transcendental-mythological, design-mythological.
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Two-vectors of humanitarian principle regarding such process as convicts' correction/self-correction are considered in the paper. The right of convict to correction is substantiated and explained there in.
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The article presents the analysis of the characteristics of emotional burnout syndrome among teachers. Dis-closed model correction and prevention of emotional burnout syndrome in professional activity of teachers.
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This paper presents the results of testing of psycho-pedagogical correction uncertainty preschool children in order to develop positive attitudes towards peers. The regularities psychocorrectional process: uneven, synchronicity, senzitivnost, by stages. Mechanisms correction uncertainty age children are: feedback, inter-personal influence, learning, confrontation projection. The factors that hinder the proper performance of tasks, as well as conditions of effective psycho activity.
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To improve the quality of training, the teacher should always look for new forms and methods of working with text in the classroom. A key aspect of working with text, as well as an important skill in learning how to take notes, retell, write questions on the text, and extract useful information is the work with tags and key words. The work with a “word cloud” supports the idea of “blended learning” and makes it possible for the Russian language teacher to carry out corrective work effectively.