Keyword: «creative lesson»

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The article describes one approach to structuring the lesson to enhance its educational effect and achieve interdisciplinary learning outcomes. The authors propose to use a modified version of the structure of a cre-ative lesson that is embedded in the system NFTM-TRIZ by M. M. Zinovkina. Means of achieving this goal is proposed to elect a system of open tasks at different stages of a lesson of mathematics.
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The article describes one of the approaches to the construction of a lesson of mathematics in order to strengthen its developmental effect. The authors suggest using a modified version of the structure of creative lesson (mono lesson) that is embedded in the system NFTM-TRIZ. The means to achieve the formation of universal educational actions chosen open tasks at different stages of the lesson of mathematics. The article also presents the development of mathematics lesson in the sixth grade on the topic “The divisibility of numbers”.
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The paper discusses the training of creative thinking at the lessons of the Russian language and literature. The author describes the methods of development of students’ creative abilities, theory of inventive problem solving, course of a creative lesson.