Keyword: «dairy cattle»

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Critical strategic priorities of development of agriculture, including dairy cattle in modern conditions are the scientific and technical progress and the innovative processes, allowing continuous technological and technical renewal of all branches of agricultural production. This substantially increases in the volumes, quality and competitiveness of products of plant growing and animal husbandry.
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Critical strategic priorities of development of agriculture, including dairy cattle in modern conditions are the scientific and technical progress and the innovative processes, allowing continuous technological and technical renewal of all branches of agricultural production. This substantially increases in the volumes, quality and competitiveness of products of plant growing and animal husbandry.
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Effective economic development of livestock is largely determined by the level of the state of dairy farming in the regions. In accordance with the state program of agricultural development and regulation of agricultur-al products, raw materials and food for 2008-2020, milk production in the country increase by 12.1%. The existing scale of production and food security of the population put forward the need for targeted regulation of agricultural policy at all levels of the industry, take urgent measures for the effective development of dairy cattle breeding. The most important strategic priorities for the development of agriculture, including dairy cattle, are the scientific and technological progress and innovation processes, allowing continuous technological and engineering modernization of all sectors of agricultural production. At the same time, the volume, quality and competitiveness of crop and livestock production significantly increase. The main producers of raw milk in the Sverdlovsk region in the long term are large agricultural enterprises, developing on the basis of innovation, with the use of labor-saving technologies. The effectiveness of this is proved by the results of the development work of several dairy complexes, which introduced the most advanced production technology of milk. Dairy cattle is one of the backbone industries of the agrarian economy. Dairy products occupy third place in the commodity structure of retail food trade. Given the wide distribution of daily proceeds from the sale of products, dairy cattle helps to a certain extent the current financial stability of agricultural enterprises, in fact, dairy farming is a kind of locomotive of development of the industry, consuming large amounts of crop production.
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The article presents the dynamics of development and estimation of the present dairy cattle breeding state in the Ulyanovsk region; the authors identify the factors determining the level of milk production intensification, among which the process of livestock reproduction, the modernization of the material and technical base and the level of cows feeding deserve special attention; the directions of dairy cattle breeding efficiency improvement in the region are substantiated.
This article covers the topic of the usefulness of dairy products for various categories of the population. It is also shown that in order to ensure the food security of the country, the development of dairy cattle breeding is necessary.