Keyword: «great patriotic war»

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The article considers the application of the material about the Great Patriotic when studying physics. The presented work can be used by teachers of Physics for preparation for lessons and out-of-class actions.
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The author reveals the question of mobilization of Soviet people in Stavropol on Volga on fight against fas-cists. All people rallied in readiness to enter the Red Army or national militia. Men, woman, children and old men of all professions, age, nationalities got up in ranks of the armed defenders of the Fatherland from the first days of the Great Patriotic War.
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The author reveals the heroism of the Soviet people in the struggle against the Nazis. Soviet soldiers showed courage and heroism from the first days of the Great Patriotic War, rising to the ranks of the armed defenders of the Fatherland.
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Article discloses heroism of the Soviet women in days of the Great Patriotic War on education and protection of children in rear regions of the country. Motherhood was considered as important social and economic function of the woman. Confidence of soldiers at the front in protection of children provided peace of mind being at war and at the same time, cemented unity of the front and back.
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The article analyzes the state of collective farms trade in Bashkiria during the Great Patriotic War. The outbreak of war meant a radical restructuring of the work for state and cooperative trade, which was due to a complex of reasons. On the one hand, there was a sharp reduction in the centralized funds of industrial and food products that were allocated to the republic. On the other hand, open forms of trade were replaced by a standardized supply system, and there was a rapid increase in commercial prices in retail outlets that continued to operate. In such conditions, the importance of agricultural products supplies from collective farms to the city markets of Bashkiria increased. The archival documents involved in the study allowed the author to conclude that the collective farm trade was unsatisfactory. Significant violations of the Soviet trade principles, the facts of outbidding, profiteering, cheat in weighing were revealed. At the same time, we must admit that a number of violations were caused by the poor organization of collective farm trade. Due to the lack of funds for improvement, the markets were not supplied with trading equipment, and the counters and pavilions required repairs. In addition, the conditions for effective countertrade, which was supposed to stimulate the supply of agricultural products to the cities of the republic, were not created.