Keyword: «job satisfaction»

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The paper contains the results of empirical research of the reflexive component of the auto-psychological competence. There is a correlation between high reflexivity, effectiveness of professional activity and job satisfaction in the experimental group of starting teachers. The authors propose to consider the reflexive component of auto-psychological competence as a serious psychological and acmeological mechanism to improve the adaptation of the young specialist. The description of the reflexivity structure and its behavioral indicators are presented in the paper for using in a consultative and psycho-prophylactic work.
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Today, the country is in a process of digital transformation, a very powerful, dynamically evolving transformation, and if you do not get your bearings in time and do not understand what you need to do, you can fall behind in economic development forever. Many professions are changing under the influence of ICT, becoming more technological. The impending wave of innovations, according to unpublished research, puts up to half of the workplaces at risk. Nevertheless, the profession of economist will be in demand in the digital future. They always need a specialist who sets priorities and goals correctly for maximum profit. Understanding the essence of the future profession by students-economists – a specialist in the economic efficiency of the digital age - will allow them to adapt to the changing world and be satisfied with the profession. Currently, the concept of "digital economy" is widely used to define the total penetration of ICT, where knowledge, information play a key role, and the development of innovative projects becomes a source of socio-economic growth. The creative personality of the economist is the resource for which competitors will fight.