Keyword: «junior schoolchildren»

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The authors present the approach to the issue of improving education of junior schoolchildren by means of training.
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The article considers the game as a teaching method, deals with the question of relevance of local lore quest-game, its entertainment and cognitive functions.
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The paper deals with the relevance of formation of the creative abilities, which are trained at elementary school according to requirements to results of development of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard of the primary general education. The authors consider possibilities of practical realization of problems of creative abilities formation at elementary school.
This article discusses and suggests ways to solve problems arising as a result of the interaction between the class teacher and parents' self-government bodies in the primary school; Contains practical advice on the organization of the work of a classroom parent committee with a view to making it an effective body for the co-management of an educational organization.
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The article deals with methods of evaluating the results of education in an elementary school. The concepts of the method, the innovative method are analyzed. The traditional methods used in practice and innovative methods of evaluating the results of education in primary school are described. The advantages and disadvantages of innovative methods of assessing the results of education in primary school.