Keyword: «life»

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The paper deals with the dependence of suicides on quality of life of one or another society. Dissatisfaction with quality of life defines self-destruction of personality. The author proposes to solve the problem with by using non-economic methods, which mean the improvement of welfare policy of a State.
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The paper deals with the themes of E.M. Remarque’s novels in their relationship with the concept of “life.” The author analyzes the regular use of the word “life” in various contexts of novels, which leads to its symbolization and attempts to interpret the concept “life” from the point of the appraised connotations.
Automation - Integration of tools in a fully automatic and, in some cases, self-regulating system. The advanced countries have begun to automate the industry in the early 1950s. Originating as the concept of production, automation today means a lot more than the coordination of the range of machines. Currently, it is carried out at all levels of business and production. [1] There is hardly any activity - social or economic, are not affected in varying degrees, the implementation is automatically controlled devices or systems. The list includes the areas of automation, such as starting and automatic piloting aircraft, production of cars, traffic control and routing, medical diagnostics, and automatic updating of bank balance in accordance with the instructions coming from the computer, which can be located at a distance of many kilometers. Currently, research on the effects of automation of production on the social and labor aspects of society in general, are not regular, whereas the change in the type of production, and as a result, and engaged in the process of human resources, directly determines the future shape all spheres of society. Proceeding from the above, the relevance of the theme is determined that the current system of automation to increase the pace of implementation in the production process, while the case studies of this subject have lost their regularity, so that the relevance of the data is lost and there is no possibility of tracking the dynamics of the development of automation. The results of such studies allow to make assumptions about future changes in the state of the labor market, as well as early detection and address possible crises in the social and labor relations people.
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The article considers the variation of the plot line in the creation and development of the images of the heroes of the novels of S.Sergeev-Tsensky "Transformation". To this end, attracted a wide range of material: numerous sketches for the novel, letters of the writer. It is emphasized that the variation of the plot line of the novel, the formation and development of images is refracted through the artist's reflections on the word about God, about good and evil, about modernity, about real and mystical, about work.
The article is devoted to the history of Ryazan’s theatres and their role. Also, the author shows the great significance of this kind of art and a joint collaboration of a human-being, work, and his life. The author depicts theatre as a challenge to people’s mind.