Keyword: «manual labor»

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The article deals with the historical aspect of the evolution of technological and economic education, which allows you to determine the trajectory of the economy and technology from the past to the future. It examines the attempts to resolve the issues of zemstvo technological and economic culture of the population at the expense of manual labor in the regular school Russia from the middle of the XIX century, issues of teacher training and the introduction of technological and economic training school in the XX century, divergent trends in the development of technological and economic education in the post-Soviet stage development of Russia: informatization, professiology, servisology.
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The paper reflects the problems of labor education, which teachers of preschool institutions meet: what the necessary life skills for children are; what tasks children should do iat kindergarten and at home; how to provide simultaneous control and management of children activities.
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The paper discusses the establishment of manual labor in Russia and foreign countries prior to the XX cen-tury. The author reviews Russian, French and Swedish systems of manual labor training; examines the con-cept of “manual labor” and its importance in education: goals, focus, and summary. There is an attempt to evaluate the ideas of teachers of the past from the position of modernity.
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The paper analyzes the programs on the manual labor of the early XX century. The author discusses the program of K. Yu. Tsiruyl, I. Schneerson, O. A. Salomon; the specificity of manual labor teaching in the early twentieth century; the types of works recommended for execution of different groups of materials for the manufacture of products.