Keyword: «polysemy»

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The perception of the native language flows in direct connection with the cognition of objective reality. Mastering nonnative language takes place through the medium of the mother tongue, based on it. Therefore, the psychology of second language acquisition is closely connected with the development of bilingualism in students. In determining the psychological background of second language acquisition must be based on the nature of the interaction between the native and the second language in educational process, relations the contacting languages of the two systems.
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The paper is devoted to the analysis of the function of the verb “think” in the analytical constructions in the English language. The verb “think” is supposed to be polysemantic and the actualization of the meanings depends on the context. The semantic meaning is determined through the analysis of the function of the verb “think” in the analytical constructions.
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The article examines the problem of motivating students to skills of literate writing in the aspect of vocabu-lary words in the Russian language lessons in primary school, a new approach to work on vocabulary words, increases the interest in their study.
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The paper deals with the different approaches to the delineation of polysemy and homonymy in linguistic terminology. Examples of different lexicographic representations of linguistic terms are described, as a lexical-semantic variant of a multivalued word or a separate lexical unit (homonym).
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The glaring contradictions observed today in the field of synonymy study at school consist in discrepancy of requirements to knowledge, abilities, skills and subject competences which have to be formed in this language area, and the real level of the given phenomenon understanding by pupils due to very limited time of its consideration and the narrow range of studied aspects. This explains the importance of continuing the methodological search for improvement and intensification of the system of work with synonymy at different stages of school philological education, emphasizes the relevance of the study. Thus, the purpose of this article is to identify the actual problems of studying synonymy in modern school and to determine ways of solving them by means of innovative technologies. A comprehensive approach to the methodological understanding of synonymy was used during the study, based on the combination of all modern approaches to the organization and content of school linguistic education: personality-oriented, practice-oriented, system-activity, competence approaches. As a result of the study, we offer an innovative system of work with synonymy in the middle and high school on the basis of cooperative interaction of students. The effectiveness of this interaction, enhanced by the problematization of learning as an essential element of interactive technology, is shown at different stages of learning educational material: at the stage of its introduction, consolidation, systematic repetition. The interactive learning technology has great potential for a radical transformation of learning synonymy, because it is able to integrate the elements of other technologies mutually complement and reinforce the training effect of each other on a new quality level since they are aimed at achievement of the common goal, but have unique opportunities in the updating of educational material, in the organization of students’ observation and research, in representation of results and analytical discussion. The article contains specific methodological recommendations and general theoretical conclusions, it may be interesting for scientists and methodologists involved in the optimization of school learning lexical phenomena, and for teachers-practitioners.