Keyword: «pre-school children»

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In the article the effectiveness of parenting coordination abilities of children aged 5–6 years, provided that a sports and gaming environment in the educational space preschool, proposed methodological mechanisms for its implementation in the educational training process preschoolers.
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Factor of the formation of a healthy way of life and to strengthen human health, regardless of age is properly organized physical activity, which corresponds to the age-related physiological capabilities of the child's body and is the foundation, the driving force behind the development of a versatile child.
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The paper reflects the problems of labor education, which teachers of preschool institutions meet: what the necessary life skills for children are; what tasks children should do iat kindergarten and at home; how to provide simultaneous control and management of children activities.
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This article deals with the concept of fears, their types and influence on personal development. The authors also study the main trends of art-therapy, artistic creativity features, some advantages of art-therapy use for fears correction in pre-school children.
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Our present society is almost entirely affected by modernization, which, in one way or another, influences all spheres of the society development. This effect causes rethinking of values for a modern person, along with the means, tasks, ways of both the society and an individual development. Often such a contemporary approach practically excludes the entire layers of folk art from the educational process and cultural life, on which the ethno-cultural formation of an individual has been built over many generations. The tendency towards diminishment and subsequent dissolution of national cultural foundations has become particularly pronounced in the recent years. The foreground is being taken by globalization phenomena, the unification and standardization of many human activities, including the cultural life. The Internet space also dictates certain ways of personality development, as it makes a significant part of people lives today. This influence is especially strong for the younger generation whose personality formation is at the initial stage. In this context, it becomes quite relevant to form the ethno-cultural competence of the younger generation from the earliest age and introduce the traditional forms of culture and values to young people. This research is aimed at identifying the effective means, forms and methods for the creation of the ethno-cultural competence among pre-school children. The methods of research are questioning, interviewing and pedagogical experiment. During the sociological survey it was possible to identify the key organizational and pedagogical pre-requisites for the effective creation of the ethno-cultural competence among pre-school children. The Children’s Ethnographic Museum’s project was implemented and tested in pre-school educational institutions. The results obtained in the course of the work testify to the effectiveness of the proposed project and can be used in the activities of pre-school educational institutions and additional education for children.