Keyword: «preschoolers»

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This paper presents the results of testing of psycho-pedagogical correction uncertainty preschool children in order to develop positive attitudes towards peers. The regularities psychocorrectional process: uneven, synchronicity, senzitivnost, by stages. Mechanisms correction uncertainty age children are: feedback, inter-personal influence, learning, confrontation projection. The factors that hinder the proper performance of tasks, as well as conditions of effective psycho activity.
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The paper presents the results of study of psychological prerequisites of gender-specific differences in preschooler's self-esteem. The authors ground theoretical approaches to the study of self-esteem and gen-der differences in self-esteem of preschoolers. In groups, the patients with different level of self-esteem were diagnosed The direct and inverse relationship of indicators of self-esteem of preschool boys and girls and indicators of sex and age identification were singled out.
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Parents are the first educators of children, preparing them for work and life, giving them labor experience and spiritual wealth accumulated by humankind. Kindergarten educators together with parents try to develop the personality of pupils and provide them with psychological and pedagogical support. In this regard, it is important to develop cooperation with parents, to inform them about the specifics of preschoolers' activities in the kindergarten and to use for this modern methods and forms, including computer technologies.
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The article presents the results of the experiment. It characterizes the ability of preschool children with speech pathology to produce narrative and descriptive stories. The author reveals specific types of errors that children make. It is noted that such errors indicate the inferiority of the structural-semantic component of utterances. The skills of preschool children to build logical and informative stories are estimated.
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The article presents the results of studying the auditory perception of speech by preschool children with a cochlear implant. It is noted that if a child has lost his hearing in the pre-linguistic period, he needs a long period of rehabilitation aid. This is especially important for children, who are being brought up by deaf parents. By the end of the first stage of rehabilitation, the child is only able to react to short instructions that include everyday words with concrete semantics. Similar in sound composition lexical units are not differentiated. Underdeveloped auditory perception negatively affects the quality of the child's independent speech.