Keyword: «project presentation»

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The paper offers an option of filling the content of the discipline "Fundamentals of design" for 10 grade students of higher school. The program is an obligatory component of the regional curriculum of edu-cational institutions of the Kirov region. Organization of students activities is performed in the active form in three complementary and interdependent lines: technology of creation and description of a project; improving students’ personal qualities for successful mastering project activity; methods of scientific creativity and development of creative personality by means of project activities. The result of the discipline are socially relevant research projects, designed by students.
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The article familiarizes the reader with the experience of writing and implementing social projects senior secondary schools in the framework of discipline "Based on project work and scientific creativity", aimed at Sauveur-improve the educational space of individual educational institutions (by the example of the Lyceum № 21). It shows a possible structure of a phased description of the social project offered to the students, and the specific example of its implementation.
The article is devoted to the experience of the foreign language examination in a form of a project presentation. It took place in a group of graduates of the bachelor’s program “Pedagogical Education with Two Specializations” (Social Studies and English Language). Such a form of a final year examination helps students to create a unique intellectual product while demonstrating all the gained competencies.