Keyword: «psycholinguistics»

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The article described methods of psycholinguistic expertise as a judicial expertise on example research book for teenagers. The article told the results of scientific modeling the influence semantic structure of the written language on consciousness teenagers.
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The article considers the question of the text as a linguistic object lesson. Given the ways of the organization of thetext, the main purpose of the text is reduced to the solution of the most various tasks, and to create a variety of meanings setup by the author of the text.
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The paper analyzes the main results of domestic and foreign psycholinguistic researches of speech and language development of a child. There are subject orientation of speech development and language acquisition, researchers interested in natural mechanisms of speech and language ability and intentional direction of development of a child as the subject of speech and language activity. A wide range of researches is devoted to the study of individual differences in language acquisition and creative nature of the process. The author raises the issue of sociocultural conditionality of speech and language development of a child.
The article discusses some mechanisms of generating phraseological units from the currents of view of cognitive processes. At the same time, the features of the meaning of phraseological units as a linguistic unit are taken into account, in the structure of the meaning of which the presence of connotation is a relevant sign. Of particular importance for updating the meaning of the phraseological unit is the national-cultural component of the semantics of phraseological units. That is why the important aspects in this article were the question of the influence of the national-cultural connotation on the generation of the phraseological unit.
The article gives an analysis of the conducted association experiment, in which respondents of two age groups took part: «adults» and «youth, « while the analysis took into account the factor of the native language for respondents. As a result of the com-parison, the results obtained were highlighted as general. So are the excellent reactions to a single stimulus word.