Keyword: «psychological impact»

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The article considers the review of village evolution research tendencies. The analysis of research devoted to villagers’ psychology study, integrated psychological characteristics of villagers and the factors which influence upon transformation mechanisms of “villagers’ consciousness” are presented
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The paper presents the analysis the influence of electronic and distance learning on the youth as a special group of Internet users. The authors give a review of articles devoted to the problems of information and psychological security of youth.
In this article the concept and essence of cyclotherapy. The place of art-therapeutic approaches in practical psychology is defined and characterized. Describe the features of cyclotherapy as a method of psychological impact.
The article briefly discusses the psychological impact of broadcasting (BC) on the masses of listeners and shows that BC is the most accessible and cheapest media, bringing information in the shortest possible time, in large territories, as well as in emergency situations (emergency), lack of electricity and other types of communication and information.
The article discusses the concept of disinformation, its main tasks and methods, as well as ways to detect false information and combat it.