Keyword: «research skills»

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The author considers the structure and content of the notion “the willingness of students to scientific and research activity”, describing its main structural components. The author examines the problem of preparedness for future bachelors professional training for scientific and research activities through the stages of formation of research skills.
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The relevance of the study of research skills formation among military cadets is explained by the increase in the requirements for the level of their military professional training, which is characterized not only by deep theoretical knowledge, but also by the ability to use this knowledge for solving military problems by means of research. A cadet must develop research qualities and skills, be able to generate new ideas, apply the methodology of scientific research and organization of experimental work, methods and means of theoretical and empirical research at the stage of University training already. The results of our ascertaining experiment showed a rather low level of cadets ' general learning and research skills. In addition, about half of the surveyed cadets are not interested in research activities and are not going to be engaged in this type of activity either during the years of study in a military University or after graduation. The article analyzes the role and importance of research skills for military-professional activities of future officers; discusses different approaches to the definition of concepts "skill", "general learning skills", "research skills", and provides different approaches to their classification. The article clarifies the definition of "research skills" concept in relation to the specifics of military training; identifies groups of skills (information and communication, theoretical-methodological and theoretical-empirical skills), formed in the process of training and research activities of cadets; considers the method of gradual formation of learning and research skills in the classroom and during extracurricular activities. Practice has shown that the gradual organization of cadets’ research activities in the military University contributes to the formation and development of learning and research skills, creativity, initiatives of future officers, the development of their cognitive interest and positive motivation. The formation and development of research skills is going on effectively, if you provide certain pedagogical conditions: development of cadets ' positive motivation, cognitive and professional interest in research; creation of an educational research environment in the University; launching research projects together with the teachers of the University; consideration of the specific features of military specialists professional training; orientation of research projects on the problems of cadets’ military professional activity; the high level of their learning and intellectual skills.
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The article deals with fostering patriotism, development of linguistic competence and research skills of students while learning a foreign language at non-linguistic faculties. The research is devoted to the study of music of the allied states during Second World War, the role that music played on the fighting front and the home front.
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The development of the modern Russian education system, due to the introduction of new educational standards, entails the need to develop high-quality methodological support. The system-activity oriented approach lies in the methodological basis of the FSES for professional education and determines the results of training and education, namely, the development of communicative, cognitive, personal and social aspects. The widespread informatization of society determines the change of values and brings the concept of "self-education" to the fore. Society needs specialists who feel themselves confident in the information environment, who are able to clearly formulate and determine the goals and objectives of professional activity, and plan the stages of their implementation. These skills must be developed by future teachers as well, because employers want to get an employee who is ready and capable of independent research. Thus, the development of research skills of students and the effective organization of research activities become a priority in the Federal State Educational Standard. In this regard, the need is growing to find effective means of developing the research skills of students in institutions of secondary professional education. The aim of our study was to search for effective ICT tools for the development of research skills of teachers’ training college students. To determine the teaching tools, an analysis of foreign and domestic sources was made. In the study, “research skills” are understood as the ability for actions necessary to carry out research work. The results of the study show that ICT tools can be effectively used to develop students' research skills in the process of subject-subject interaction. The theoretical significance of the article lies in determining the component structure of research skills, revealing the position and role of interaction subjects in the educational process, determining aspects of the educational process organization, identifying the characteristics of the research skills development stages based on the definition in question. The practical significance of the article lies in the presentation of the scientific foundations and experience in the implementation of ICT tools in the research process as part of a learner-centered approach and the study of the development of research skills of teachers’ training college students using ICT tools while learning the subject "Computer science and ICT in professional activities".
This article defines the concept of soft skills, talks about the importance and necessity of developing these skills among students in the 21st century. There are five main skills: self-organization, communicative communication (verbal and non-verbal), research skills, social skills (work in groups, in pairs, communication with teachers and students), thinking skills (critical thinking, metacognitive thinking, etc.). The article describes certain strategies for developing these skills in teaching English.