Keyword: «rhetoric»

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The article considers problem of the development of modern means of artistic personality formation. By retrospective and comparative analysis of the development of art education in the Left-Bank Ukraine Collegium XVIІІ – beg. The nineteenth century. reveals the impact of arts education on the level of culture and comprehensive development of the school and studens past and present, that is the key objective of modernization of contemporary art education.
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The tendency to substitute legal terms to political statements can be perfectly illustrated by public law. The misinterpretation of legal terms appears from an attempt to deduce them directly from regulatory materials. The author considers legal structures the precursor of a norm determining law development. The analysis of the Russian Federation constitutional, administrative, criminal and procedural law regulations allowed the author to focus on typical problems of correlation between legal terminology and political rhetoric in regulatory texts.
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The article describes the method of small groups, which used in practical classes on rhetoric on specialty "General Medicine" in Vladivostok State Medical University. The conclusion is that the study of rhetoric more effectively by using active and interactive methods.
The use of information technology in education is a topical topic. In this study, we consider information and «end-to-end» technologies, digital tools using the example of case tasks. Such tasks support cognitive interest in the process of performing educational activities, expand and consolidate the knowledge gained, allow you to master the skills of using modern digital information technologies in professional activities.