Keyword: «self-relation»

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The article contains the results of the research, developed to the features of the self-evaluation of people of a retirement age. The criterion for the detection of the features of the self-evaluation is the comparison of the self-evaluations in groups of the unemployed and working retirees. This research pays attention to the necessity of creation the special conditions, which helps to raise the self-evaluation of elderly people and provides smooth entry into a new social situation.
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Prоblеm оf influеnсе оf thе sеlf-rеlаtiоn оn pеrsоnаl rеprеsеntаtiоns оf Оthеr аs an Enеmy is tоuсhеd by us in the аrtiсlе. Thе rеsults оf thе study prоvе thаt rеspоndеnts, pеrсеiving thе Enеmy аs аggrеssоr, mаnip-ulаtоr with nеgаtivе quаlitiеs, dеmоnstrаtе thе lоw lеvеls оf sеlf-еffiсасy, sеlf-intеrеst, sеlf-sympаthy, sеlf-еstееm, wаiting оf thе Оthеrs'rеlаtiоn. The rеspоndеnts, pеrсеiving thе Enеmy аs thе subjесt with аliеn соg-nitiоns аnd vаluеs, dеmоnstrаtе thе uppеr lеvеls оf sеlf-еffiсасy, sеlf-intеrеst, sеlf-sympаthy, sеlf-еstееm, wаiting оf thе Оthеrs'rеlаtiоn. Dаtа suppоrtеd thе hypоthеsis аbоut thе distinсtiоns оf pеrsоnаl rеprеsеntаtiоns оf Enеmy dеpеnding upоn сhаrасtеristiсs оf sеlf-rеlаtiоn аnd sеlf-еffiсасy.
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The paper presents results of the empirical study of peculiarities of self-relation and self-appraisal of teenagers from families with various types of child-parent relations. The author demonstrates that the adoption of a child and cooperation with him is conducive to the formation of an adequate self-appraisal and positive self-relation, whereas attitude to a child as to a ‘little loser’ results in his alienation; excessive control and symbiosis distort self-comprehension.
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The article gives a brief theoretical overview of the main approaches to the study of self-consciousness in Russian psychology. This article presents a fragment of the pilot study devoted to forms of self-identity and individual style of decision-making in adolescence. The results of empirical studies of the relationship between self-identity forms and individual style of decision-making in adolescence are presented.
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In article the analysis of the basic theoretical provisions in the field of formation and development of the self-relation of the personality in ontogenesis, on the basis of materials, the researches on this perspective conducted earlier is carried out. Briefly features of development of the self-relation in the period of a novorozhdenoost and early age, the preschool, younger school, early teenage and teenage age periods are considered. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the main aspects of formation of the self-relation in the period of an average and the advanced teenage age (13-15 years).