Keyword: «sign»

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The author focuses on the conceptualization of utopia through the lens of poststructuralist philosophy and semiotics. The author identifies the main problems and attempts to solve the most complex issues. These issues relate to the sign utopia euphoria, relations of utopia and ideology, utopia and history, utopia and transgression phenomenon. Each set of problems requires further decisions, detail and conceptualization.
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The paper discusses the concept of festive symbols, identifies its characteristic features and defines the types, forms and functions of festive symbols.
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The paper discusses the sign system of a holiday. The authors determine the concept of a holiday symbol and reveal its characteristic features; name specific items and give them a symbolic meaning in respective ceremonies; determine main characteristic and functional features of a holiday symbol and determine types, forms and functions of a holiday symbol.
This article discusses the impact of foreign language teaching on the development of human thinking and intelligence. In the process of learning a foreign language, various thought processes are involved, which form an equilibrium thinking through conceptual, critical, mosaic thinking. In turn, through thinking, as a process of cognition of reality, a certain type of thinking is realized, which is necessary for a person in his professional activity, depending on the tasks and activities to be carried out.