Keyword: «social capital»

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The author deals with such concepts, as "aydagara", "en" and "guanxi", which could not become universal sociological concepts for public relations characteristics, and the concept “social capital” could. This general question can be divided into two more specific issues related to the demand for sociological concepts and with their proposal.
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The article considers the issues of the export of capital from Russia in various forms. The emphasis is on reflection not only the negative sides of this process, but also the search for the possible positive conse-quences.
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The article deals with the specificity of the “human” and “social” capital in modern conditions, and especially its export from Russia in various forms.
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This article presents the main approaches to the interpretation of the concepts "social capital" and "economic system", and reveals the theoretical foundations of their interdependence. The main purpose of the article is to consider the key mechanisms of social capital influence on the territorial economic system reproduction, as well as to identify problems that impede its productive functioning.
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This article considers the social group of new settlers as the rotors of social capital formation. The author characterizes online sites that identify themselves with new micro districts. It is suggested to use online communities as agents of the public policy in the Volgograd region.