Keyword: «social educator»

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The study is aimed at investigating the professional self-determination of future teachers. The author clari-fies the nature of the concept of self-determination; analyzes the structure, types and components of professional self-determination. There is the presentation of the program to improve the effectiveness of professional self-determonation.
This article solves the problem of the legal status and activity of the social educator, as well as the role of a legal clinic i№ the legal coverage of these problems. Various precedents that were encountered i№ the legal clinic were considered, to show the real elements of problems, including inaccuracies. The gaps i№ the legislatio№ i№ the field of regulatio№ of the professio№ are indicated.
The article presents current problems concerning the adaptation process of migrant children in a Russian educational school, and related both to the contradiction of the value orientations of non-ethnic schoolchildren and the host society, and to the language barrier preventing a child of another nationality from successfully entering a new socio-cultural environment. The author analyzes the consequences of the lack of preparedness of educational institutions to work with migrant students and examines the fundamental differences in the conditions of adaptation in urban and rural schools. Attention is drawn to the connecting role of a social educator who coordinates the activities of all subjects of the pedagogical process in solving the problem of adaptation of a migrant child. The difficulties of integration and socialization of schoolchildren that arose during the COVID-19 pandemic are shown.