Keyword: «social policy»

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The paper deals with the dependence of suicides on quality of life of one or another society. Dissatisfaction with quality of life defines self-destruction of personality. The author proposes to solve the problem with by using non-economic methods, which mean the improvement of welfare policy of a State.
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The article is devoted to the socio-economic development of Russia and its regions, problems, obstacles to positive social development in many regions. Particular attention is touched upon to economic inequality in the development of the Russian Federation.
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The article deals with the socio-economic phenomenon of poverty, the causes of poverty in the Russian conservation, approaches to poverty measurement and "prosperity." Part of the problem of poverty can be reduced with the help of social policy, but the state minimum social standards can meet only the most urgent needs and does not take into account the subjective dimension of life, to the same statistics indicate that inflation is rising at a faster pace than the indexation of the minimum social guarantees.
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The concept of human development is doubly interpreted as a process of investments into human capital. On the one hand, it is an expansion of a person’s possibilities by strengthening his health, acquiring new knowledge, increasing professional skills. On the other hand, it is a process of person’s use his acquired abilities in industrial, cultural and political fields. The paper deals with five principles of "Uzbek model” and the function of makhalla on mental potential development in a civil society.
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The dramatically changed world social environment, the processes of escalation of social relations dictate the need for their understanding, analysis and synthesis. It is important to develop a scientifically based concept of social development, to produce social technologies that are available for understanding and implementation of ways to organize and provide social protection for the population. According to international experience, the government’s social policy in many countries is based on a systematic analysis of social protection of the population, which ultimately determines the trajectory of social development. It is also necessary to take into account the main global trends and trajectories of social development of territories.