Keyword: «speech pathology»

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In article in theoretical and practical aspects modern representations on a problem of research of the proiznositelny party of the speech at preschool children with speech pathology are considered. Authors the main reveal theoretical the provisions and the principles which are been the basis for system of the logopedic diagnostics directed detection of features of a sound pronunciation at preschool children with violations of the speech.
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The paper deals with questions of formation of correction as a science, its current problems, main objectives, organization of speech therapy process. The authors reveal the methodological foundations of correction, the value of correction for individual development of children with speech disorders, influence of speech pathology on mental development of a child, his activities and behavior.
The article sums up the study of the formation of nouns with diminutive value at preschool children with the general underdevelopment of speech. On the basis of the study concluded that the inclusion in the work structure to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children of preschool age special work on the formation of diminutive suffixes of nouns in children.
The article presents the analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem of emotional competence in normal and disturbed speech development, the structure and content of the methodology of the experiment, allowing to reveal features of this process in younger schoolchildren with General speech underdevelopment.
The analysis of theoretical sources on a problem of research of the fonetiko-phonemic party of the speech at preschool children with a dizartriya is presented in article. With a support on references the structure of a technique of the stating experiment allowing to estimate the significant components which are responsible for formation of the zvukoproiznositelny party of the speech at children locates.