Keyword: «spontaneity»

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The author discusses the main features of Jack Kerouac’s spontaneous method, vividly exemplified in his novel “The Subterraneans”. The author analyzes possible origins of the “spontaneous prose” method, provides a brief overview of the published studies on this topic. The author identifies the jazz principle as a general principle of the narrative structure. Furthermore, the author examines the image of the narrator, the dialogues between the main characters, and the characteristics of the detail in the novel.
The article deals with the search for ways to improve the financial policy (FP) of the state. The main purpose of the work is to identify and determine the main objective factors influencing its formation and its implementation. The author believes that these include determinism, stochasticity and spontaneity. The paper briefly analyzes their impact on FP. The conducted research allows us to draw a number of conclusions. The article may be of interest both for the development of theoretical studies of the financial policy of the state, and for improving the practice of its implementation.
The article deals with the phenomenon of spontaneity and its role in human life. A theoretical analysis of the concepts of foreign psychology was carried out, where they draw on the significant role of the phenomenon of spontaneity. Currently, psychological science faces an interesting question – to study the significance of unconscious mental processes in human life, attempts to establish control over a variety of mental phenomena, one of which is the phenomenon of spontaneity. Therefore, it is important to familiarize people with this phenomenon in order to increase the level of psychological culture.
The work is a logical continuation of two articles published earlier, in which we investigated a set of issues related to the influence of objective and subjective factors on the implementation of the financial policy (FP) of the state. At the same time, since they can affect the FP in parallel, their joint action, of course, gives a new additional effect. In this regard, the main purpose of the article was to, based on the analysis of the simultaneous impact of the main objective and subjective factors on the financial policy of the state, to find previously unknown and therefore not applicable additional areas of its research, and then, based on the results obtained, open up additional opportunities for developing new ways to improve the FP. The publication may be of interest to economists who are engaged in the study of theoretical issues of development and implementation of the state's financial policy.