Keyword: «sports»

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The legal analysis of ratio of concepts of extreme, sports and adventure tourism is given in the paper. The author comes to a conclusion that in the present time the terms “extreme” and “sports” tourism in a lexicon of the Government of the Russian Federation are interchangeable; adventure tourism has independent value and is applied mainly in the resolutions relating to Siberia and the Far East, first of all – the Baikal recreational zone. The reasons of popularity of the considered types of tourism in the youth environment are listed.
The article analyzes the role of promoting a healthy lifestyle as a factor in ensuring the security of individuals and society as a whole. Formulated modern approaches to assessing the contribution of educational institutions in the provision of physical and social health of the younger generation. For example, the Kuban State University shows the possibilities of the university in attracting students to physical culture and sports, and the formation of values of a healthy lifestyle.
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In this paper the author examines the reforms of recent decades, where the Soviet system of physical culture was destroyed, mass physical culture and sports movement almost lost significant government support. Sports and physical development turned into a private matter, because the commercialization of a significant proportion of health and fitness services. This led to a marked decrease in the number of people involved in sports, to reduce the importance of sport in the general system of Russian values and, as a consequence, to the deterioration of the living standards of the public. Market relations dominating the society, as well as the liberation of the state from social obligations, influences the system of values of the individual layers of the population. On the values of sport and a healthy lifestyle are focused to a greater extent, the representatives of the higher strata of society, for which sport activities become part of the prestigious fashion and consumption. Representatives of the lower social groups, on the contrary, consider sports unnecessary and meaningless.
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The paper describes the issues related to the influence of sport on people’s life and health. Sport is one of the means for formation of a person. The purpose of this work is to show how this area of activity may affect not only physical health, but also the development of the moral qualities of person.
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The purpose of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of the disabled person, to achieve their material independence and his social adaptation. Developed a symbiosis of sports and tourism option handbike relating to the technical means of rehabilitation for domestic and public activities of the disabled.