Keyword: «statistical differences»

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The paper describes the results of empirical study of relationship between family type and image of family among preschool children. The authors test the hypothesis on the difference image of the family in children from complete and incomplete families on a sample of 20 older preschoolers from kindergarten groups, with an equal number of each type families. The results of the research, and the use of statistical Mann-Whitney test showed a partial confirmation of the hypothesis.
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The paper presents the results of study of psychological prerequisites of gender-specific differences in preschooler's self-esteem. The authors ground theoretical approaches to the study of self-esteem and gen-der differences in self-esteem of preschoolers. In groups, the patients with different level of self-esteem were diagnosed The direct and inverse relationship of indicators of self-esteem of preschool boys and girls and indicators of sex and age identification were singled out.
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The analysis of the psychological characteristics of students to adapt to the Wu-zu. A re-view of psychological research on adaptation of the self. We formulate the problem of in-sufficient information about the actual process of adaptation stu-dents to the university as part of the future of personal professional. On the empirical sample of students of the three groups (high adaptability, medium and low adaptability) students were investigated: the level of adaptation, self-attitude. It turned out that there are differences in the self-students with high and low adatirovannosti.