Keyword: «strategy»

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The article discusses the possible application of logistics in the learning process of the educational institution. Allocated functional areas and types of flows relevant to the school. It is shown that the lo-gistika management is a methodology of material, information, personnel and other threads that form the quality of the educational process. There is a strategic planning logistics. Emphasizes the importance of logistics as an educational discipline that forms the system of competence of graduates
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The paper proposes an approach to the management of the university on the basis of a strategic center, forming a strategy continuously. The mechanism of building and tree sampling purposes and evaluation of projects implementation problems are viewed in the article. The model of management targets and possibilities of logistics management intrahigh flows are showed.
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The author investigates the basic principles and stages of risk management in organization. The author suggests the options for strategy choice, policy and risk management methods for essentially different concepts of risk management (ensuring economic safety and a ratio «risk profitability»).
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Following their wishes to realize communicative purposes and to achieve desirable results during a dialogue, communicants choose the certain lines of conduct, strategies which would allow them to realize intentions successfully as much as possible. In this article the author gives the complex pragma-semantic description of the tactics of generalization as one of the ways realizing the strategy of evading a direct answer.
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This paper is devoted to assessing the impact of macroeconomic conditions on the choice of investment strategies and the results of sovereign funds in Russia and Norway . We consider the comparative analysis of realized investment strategies of sovereign wealth funds of foreign countries , and on the basis of SWOT analysis strategy sovereign funds of Norway and Russia plans need to develop effective mechanisms to increase the use and the National Welfare Fund of Russia.