Keyword: «tactics»

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Following their wishes to realize communicative purposes and to achieve desirable results during a dialogue, communicants choose the certain lines of conduct, strategies which would allow them to realize intentions successfully as much as possible. In this article the author gives the complex pragma-semantic description of the tactics of generalization as one of the ways realizing the strategy of evading a direct answer.
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The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of emotional intelligence and the ability to self-presentation students directions of training "Psychology". The authors examined the various approaches to the definition of emotional intelligence, revealed the influence of components of emotional intelligence on the tactics of self-presentation among students.
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Paper is devoted to optimization of the fire police training. The author proposes to develop and apply new exercises to train and perfection of skills marksmanship. Exercises should simulate real situations police officers use of weapons.
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The paper deals with linguistic features of characters' interaction in the communicative situation “interper-sonal conflict”. The characters' basic interactional strategies in conflict situation are aggressive and tolerant ones. The choice of a strategy depends upon the speakers' personal communicative aims, their status and social roles, level of their education and cultural background.
This article clarifies the set of communicative strategies and tactics of modern political discourse, reveals the dependence of the use of these strategies and tactics, as well as the means of their linguistic implementation.