News for authors
Dear authors and readers!

The periodical scientific and methodological electronic journal "Koncept" is an official publication, links to which are considered by leading organizations, in particular the Higher Attestation Commission, as a printed work.
To readers and authors of the journal

Since 06.06.2017, the Koncept journal has been included in the HAC List (13.00.00 - pedagogical sciences).
The journal accepts for publication articles on three scientific specialties of the group 13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences:
13.00.01 General pedagogy, the history of pedagogy and education;
13.00.02 Theory and methodology of teaching and education (different fields and levels of education);
13.00.08 Theory and methodology of vocational education.

In addition, the journal publishes previously unpublished materials with original research results in the following sections (not included in the HAC List)
08.00.00 Economics;
19.00.00 Psychological sciences.

The main issues (from 04.2017) are assigned the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) index, which is unique for each article and contributes to modern scientific communication.

Two-year impact factor RSCI (2018) - 0.161
Five-year impact factor RSCI (2018) - 0.158

Schedule for accepting articles and publications
Information mail
Materials are published in the order of their receipt by the editorial office within three months.

Article from the previous issue

Full text Read online
Improving coherent monologue speech is of key importance in the overall development of speech in preschoolers. The problem that we consider in our study is the examination of the specific aspects of coherent monologue speech development in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment and planning of a correctional and developmental process using fairy tales, taking into account their specific speech development. The purpose of the article is to justify the practicability and effectiveness of using fairy tales in speech therapy work for the development of monologue speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. Diagnostic results using V.P. Glukhov’s method indicate that children in this category have a low level of coherent monologue speech development, which emphasizes the relevance and significance of the study. The article reveals the essence of speech therapy work aimed at improving monologue speech in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment through the use of fairy tales.

Current issue
№ 05 (May)

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The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.
The publication is being processed. The full text will be available soon.

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