№4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article)

Elena Rybcova, Violetta Lendich, Elena Prokopova. The Munich Agreement of 1938 and its consequences // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/6976/
The subject of the research in this article is the Munich Agreement of 30 September 1938, as well as other directly related documents that characterize the international relations of the pre-war period, in order to clarify the role of this event in the history of Europe and the world. The Munich Agreement is considered a classic example of the manifestation of appeasement policy, which in the late 30-ies of XX century led to an increase in the aggressiveness of Germany and was one of the prerequisites for the start of the Second World War. Precedent has given the leadership of Germany (and personally to Hitler) serious reason to hope that England and France in the future will not respond to the aggressive actions of Germany. This agreement, concluded without the participation of the Czechoslovak leadership, actually led to its section between Germany, Hungary and Poland. Munich Agreement explicitly infringed the interests of the state, did not participate in the negotiations. According to some military historians, the Czechoslovak army would be the one to resist the Wehrmacht could with his arms at that time.
Nataliya Gladkih. Professional readiness of the teacher to work in an inclusive school // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/7266/
The article is devoted availability of primary school teachers to create and maintain an inclusive process in the regular school. Training is one of the most important conditions for the implementation of inclusive education. The article presents the priority areas for the preparation of future primary school teachers. It describes the problems of mass school teacher when the children with different types of development in the educational process.
Ilya Kopeikin. Application fenomologicheskih models and mathematical methods in the calculation of the stress-strain state of the base units packer and anchor the complex, working in the open hole // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/7389/
Today is not uncommon carry out works in open hole drilled oil and gas wells, such as the fight against zones A, test prospective horizons at neftegazosoderzhanie installing a cement bridge and others. Work submersible equipment in the open hole is associated with very severe conditions as a consequence of which pays great attention to the reliability of the equipment and reduce the probability of accidents of work. Packer-anchor complex is the most crucial node in the complexes for the above work in the open hole. To ensure a more reliable and less emergency work in the open borehole must be continuous improvement packer and anchor of the complex on the basis of the development of scientific and theoretically base. The main objectives of the below article is: the development of mathematical models based on the finite element analysis, preparation of loading schemes packer and anchor equipment and their subsequent decision to the definition of places of critical loads in the critical nodes and the complex as a whole, as well as making recommendations for the subsequent strength calculations and develop conceptually new equipment based on the knowledge and relationships.
Uliya Sorokina. The use of marketing techniques and tools for the improvement of the institutional components of the Russian higher education space // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/7491/
This article discusses a number of problems of higher education, which have a negative impact on the quality of institutions of higher education services. These reasons are grouped in the classification proposed by the author, and are used in both institutional "trap". The author believes that the institutional approach in the study of problems of education is able to give the most complete picture of the situation. The proposed set of measures may have a practical application in higher education institutions in order to maintain their level of competitiveness and improving the quality and prestige of the educational services provided.
Rimma Kytbiddinova, Ekaterina Nesterenko . The relationship with the addictive nature of accentuation forms of youth behavior // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/7573/
The article examines the factors affecting the formation of young people dependent behaviors. The most commonly presents the results of empirical research of the relationship of character accentuations and addictive behaviors.
Ekaterina Stolyarova, Miroslava Kotlyar . Biogas from waste // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/7761/
This article discusses the global problem of the exhaustion of natural resources in the territory of the Russian Federation at the present rate of export and consumption, as well as environmental pollution products of combustion of fossil fuels. It is argued the idea of ​​replacing the traditional sources of biogas energy. The article is subject to consideration of the topic of recycling organic waste. Compares the volume of produced biogas, depending on the feedstock composition. Based on the work shown that the amount of biogas that can be isolated from various agricultural waste under anaerobic conditions of processing depends on the amount and composition of the substrate, the process conditions, the bacterial composition in the installation and other circumstances. It is found that the release of biogas starts on average 3-5 days. It depends primarily on the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats contained in each individual constituting the substrate, as well as the "push start", which acts as the temperature of the process.
Mariya Lykyanova. The relationship of a professional orientation of the person and the level of anxiety among students // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/7763/
The article reveals the content of professional orientation of the person, the components of the professional activity of the student, as well as their impact on the level of anxiety.
Kristina Negreeva. Patriotic education of younger schoolboys by means of national pedagogics // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8107/
This article deals with the problem of patriotic education of the younger schoolboy. Scientists analyzed the thought of using folk pedagogiki.Provedena experimental work and put into school program "Our homeland - Russia." The article tells about the effectiveness of the use of traditional pedagogy in a modern school.
Nataliya Pechonova. The anthropological concept of crime reasons // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8081/
In matters of real solution to the problem of "society - personality" of each state should choose the path of development, the cornerstone of which will be "chelovekotsentrizm". And for that accents social and cognitive interest to be transferred from the analysis of the functioning of faceless impersonal political and economic structures in the human existence, on the processes and performance of people living in specific social conditions. The purpose of this paper is to examine the genesis and evolution of some anthropological theories in criminology to determine their solvency and insolvency, and the possibility of their applications (a problem that as the most relevant for multi-national states, is an integral part of public policy).
Bella Teobaldt. Ornamented towel - element of the traditional material culture of immigrants Kulunda Plain (based on ethnographic expeditions) // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8139/
The article investigates the features of the national traditions of the peoples of the Kulunda Plain (immigrant Ukrainians, Germans, immigrants, Russian) and their interaction, reflected in the material and spiritual elements towels phenomenon.
Nikita Dmitriev, Vladimir Tarasyan . Automatic character recognition system maps // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8110/
Based on the analysis of theoretical material pattern recognition theory, the authors of the algorithm and software was created by performing a search, identification and grouping of text and graphic symbols on maps to solve the problem of building geographic information systems areas. To find the optimum detection method, a comparison was made of three basic methods: comparison matrix, selection of features and intelligent method of artificial neural networks; developed algorithms for pre-processing and post-processing. The best quality has shown the method of artificial neural networks, and it is recommended for character recognition in solving the problem.
Mariya Zvereva. Accounting for territorial differentiation in the economic assessment of the safety of the region: methodical aspect // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8041/
The results of a comparative analysis of regional economic security assessment methodologies, including indicators of economic security systems in the region. The analysis of significant regional disparities within the framework of the Volga Federal District and the Samara region. Substantiated proposals for the integration of the economic security of the system of indicators of the RF subject block indices reflecting intraregional (municipal) differentiation.
Urevna Marina. Frame "the Paris terrorist attacks" in the development of Islamophobia and migrant in the American online media on the example of New York Times (NYT) and Washington Post (WP) // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8057/
This article examines the role of frame "the Paris terrorist attacks" in the development of Islamophobia, which then grow into migrant-phobia. In the study, the author came to the conclusion that the frame "terrorist attacks in Paris" is widely used in political technologies in the United States. It was also found that in order to justify harsh statements with respect to the policy of the Muslims used substitute frames, such as "terrorist" and "Muslim". At the same time with such a substitution of concepts Islamophobia has become more broad framework and became migrant-phobia.
Viktoriya Timonina, Dmitrii Mazanenko. The marketing model of research: structure and logic // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8171/
In this article the authors examine the features of the preparation and use of the marketing model of scientific and technological innovation to achieve the objectives of its economic feasibility and commercialization. The basic advantages of marketing model, as well as the example of the authors conducted technical studies are given options of graphic presentation and content marketing model of scientific and technical work.
Andrei Basko . A look at the economic story through the prism of national identity of its authors // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8182/
Analysis of academic papers written by scientists from different countries in English on problems of phase transitions in systems polymer - low molecular weight component, in order to identify the impact of national culture inherent to the authors for the implementation of written communication. An attempt to describe copyright lexical and stylistic features from the perspective of cultural typology.
Uliya Snetkova. Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko: from theory to experiment // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8202/
This work is devoted to a detailed study of the short-period comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The calculation of the basic physical properties of the comet's nucleus: the effective radius, mass density, porosity and mass. Studied the comet's orbit, taking into account the area of sublimation. On the basis of physical and orbital characteristics determined mass loss and lifetime of the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. A comparative analysis of the results with those obtained in the «Rosetta» European space mission.
Svetlana Dejatkina, Ekaterina Goryacheva , Vladimir Kozlov , Mihail Dejatkin. Enriching the diet of dairy cows natural zeolite // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8226/
Analysis of economic rations of dairy cows reveals a lack of these minerals, it found that the data on the nutritional diets meet the necessary requirements. Introduction to the diet of natural zeolite cows completely fills the mineral deficiency and enhances milk production.
Gylnara Iskandarova, Olga Shatynova. Accounting for psycho-physiological characteristics of future drivers as a means to enhance their reliability // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8309/
The article discusses the technique of determining quantitative assessment of road safety. Indicated possible ways to increase the coefficient of road safety through its impact on one of the components of the system, the driver - vehicle - road - Wednesday. Particular attention is paid to increase drivers' safety through the use of psycho-physiological characteristics of the person in the training.
Anna Jemchygova. Profiles of civic engagement and their relationship with personality traits of high school students // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8389/
The article presents the results of studies on the relationship of indicators of civic engagement and personality traits seniors. We describe the gender-specific expression of citizenship of respondents analyzed differences associated with their place of residence. The data on the structure and content of representations of young people on civic engagement.
Svetlana Trapeznikova. Comparison of methods for extraction of biologically active substances from hawthorn fruit // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8396/
At the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Institute of science and technology carried out research work on the extraction of biologically active substances (BAS) of the fruit bushes growing in dendrogarden NArFU them. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University (Arkhangelsk). In this study, carried out extraction hawthorn fruit 70% concentration of ethanol. Extraction was performed by infusion, GM = 1: 10 (raw materials: extractant), heated in different conditions: 1) in an incubator at 60 ° C for 1.5 hours; duration of 1st extraction stage 1 h, a second - 30 minutes; 2) in a microwave oven at 300 W power for 5 min (1st extraction step); 3) in an oven with simultaneous sonication (ultrasound) mode in the 1st embodiment. In extracts of the fruit and extract the content of ascorbic acid is determined, the free organic acids and sugars, calculated yield of extractives (EV).
Galina Zavada, Elena Gracheva , Tatyana Serpionova . Expert card to determine the components of the research activities of graduate students in the learning process // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8402/
The article describes one of the options to define the components of research activities at the university undergraduates. The authors offer a description of the expert cards, which can be applied to solve the problem.
Mariya Gyseva, Ekaterina Sharkevich. Industrial parks in the region's economy: the mechanism of creation and effective functioning // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8468/
The article deals with the creation of industrial parks in the Russian Federation and the analysis of their activities, as well, due to the lack of common methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of their performance and impact on the economy of subjects proposed to improve the system for monitoring the activities of industrial sites on the basis of the calculation of the integral index - the taxonomic index of the level of development, proposed by Z. Hellwig. For its calculation it has developed its own system of indicators, taking into account the best international practices for monitoring the status of industrial parks, which includes 11 indicators. The presented method is universal and can be applied in relation to diagnose the state of the industrial parks of any subject of the Russian Federation.
Olga Pankratova. Preparation of bilingual teacher of physics in pedagogical high school // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8477/
The article is devoted to the organization of bilingual teaching physics in pedagogical high school. We consider the teacher's role in today's information society. The essence and the possibility of bilingual education as a means of information and cognitive independence of the future teachers of physics.
Yaroslav Kramer. The exponential characteristic of a system of linear differential equations with periodic coefficients. Application to the prediction of the dynamics of social tension // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8902/
The dependence between the least severe restrictions exponential estimate input effects and the solution of the Cauchy problem for a system of first-order ODE, having exponential growth. These studies are based on Lyapunov exponents, Banach theorem on the closed operator and carried out with the help of the Cauchy function. Built exponential characteristic of the system of differential equations. We consider the differential predictive model of the field of social tension in the presence of migrants / refugees. The statistical calculations used data from the survey of students between the two universities in Moscow
Vladimir Novatorov. The marketing concept of higher education development in a market economy // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/6930/
The problems of higher education development in the contemporary socio-economic problems usloviyah.Analiziruyutsya educational work in Russian universities. The ways of optimizing the quality of training on the basis of marketing technologies.
Sergei Vorkachev. "Outdated quality of the soul": decency according to language // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/6940/
In lexicography material and internet communication investigates the semantic content of lexical units of "decency" and "a decent man". It is established that decency - the integral property of the person, and reduce the frequency of its use of speech parameters is explained in the fragmentation and corporatization of everyday morality.
Sergei Kycheryavenko, Darya Kycheryavenko. Work at the blackboard: the pedagogical tradition and innovation // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/7400/
The article is devoted to analytical overview of both traditional teaching methods work Chalkboard and innovation using IT-technologies as applied to secondary vocational education. The article used the elements of the diagnostic analysis methodology developed by the first of the authors and adapted to this aspect of teaching practice.
Edyard Gaineev. The structure and content of the creative and design work of modern skilled worker // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/7452/
The article describes some of the features of the modern worker training to meet the new, popular professional activities, including creative and design work, as well as discusses the structure, the content of this activity, and some approaches to its formation in the dual complex interaction of social partners.
Tatyana Bogdanova. Modern problems of professional identity of teachers in higher education // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8568/
The article presents the results of an international (Russian-Latvian) study of professional identity of a modern high school teacher for several structural components: the philosophy of the profession, professional knowledge and skills, professional roles, professional attitude to work, relationships with colleagues, behavior, social inclusion, resilience / adaptability, tolerance. The author analyzes the data obtained from the Russian sample. Revealed the severity of these components and their characteristics, correlation. An attempt was made to identify the most problematic areas and negative trends.
Ekaterina Antoshkina, Evgenii Bohorskii, Viktoriya Osipova. Features self-anxiety state leaders at different levels of the management structure // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8666/
At present, the study of anxiety in a large number of works. For a fairly complete analysis of fundamental importance to clarify the theoretical and methodological guidelines. The studies in this area particularly important conceptual distinction clear concepts as anxiety state and anxiety as a trait of personality traits.
Aleksei Alekseev. The issue of regional governance in the context of globalization // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8681/
The article deals with a vital component of the regional administration. Studied the regional administration in the context of globalization. The basic problem of management activity in modern conditions. The influence of globalization on socio-economic development of the region.
Elena Ermakova, Anastasiya Kyrnosova. Physical problems created by the tales of Pushkin, as a means of development of informative interest // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8803/
Proposed development tasks in physics, made for middle-aged schoolchildren literary works, namely the tales of Pushkin.
Natalya Ermakova. Seasonal metabolic processes in cows with technological stress // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8904/
Showing the seasonal changes of protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in cows with technological stress, accompanied by an imbalance of the system of lipid peroxidation - antioxidant protection (LPO-AOD) in the conditions of late winter-stall period.
Evgenii Matvienko. Regional, environmentally sound integrated protection of sorghum from the diseases in Samara Region // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8944/
In the forest of the Samara region to major diseases of sorghum are striped bacterial blotch, Fusarium root rot and blight. Biological efficiency of chemical system products and Grands Prestige was 22-62 against root rots, bacteriosis 17-40% of bioproduct fitosporin-M and the growth regulator Albite respectively 6-32 and 4-21%. Against Alternaria effectiveness Prestige was 9-22%, fitosporin - 13-34%. By the phase of full ripeness when the intensity of bacteriosis 45-75% of plant height is reduced by 13, their weight - 11, the mass of grains per plant - 28, the number of grains per panicle - 20, the mass of 1000 seeds - 11%. Under the influence of pre-sowing seed treatment chemicals and Prestige Grands increased yield of grain sorghum grain at 4-12, sugar - by 5-9%. In experiments with irrigation at sowing in the average weather conditions for the years 2012-2013. biological grain yield increased in grain sorghum 13-20, sugar - by 28-32%. Important factors of stability of sorghum grain to the fungal infection of the genera Fusarium and Alternaria in the field include the presence on the seeds of the protective film. It may be noted that a significantly higher prevalence of grain grain sorghum, compared with diabetes, due to the fact that the seeds of grain sorghum naked and sweet sorghum filmy. This feature is important to consider in the selection of resistant varieties to this disease.
Irina Kyznecova. Criteria for poverty and the effectiveness of social policy // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8952/
The article deals with the socio-economic phenomenon of poverty, the causes of poverty in the Russian conservation, approaches to poverty measurement and "prosperity." Part of the problem of poverty can be reduced with the help of social policy, but the state minimum social standards can meet only the most urgent needs and does not take into account the subjective dimension of life, to the same statistics indicate that inflation is rising at a faster pace than the indexation of the minimum social guarantees.
Anna Lebedeva. Deer in the fine art of the Khanty and Mansi // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8963/
Deer in the fine art of the peoples of the Ob North - one of the most cited images. Based on the thematic classification of types of images SV Ivanov, as well as other artistic modes of transmission, we consider the image, reinforcing its visual examples. The author pays special attention to the transfer of deer figures by painting and drawing both living and deceased artists, that allows a classification in the types of images as well as to identify features in the ethnic component.
Natalya Vasilenko. Knowledge economy and the world of education: the interdependence of development // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/8988/
The article identified the sectoral perspectives, paradigmatic, statistical and political and legal approaches for the study of the relationship of the knowledge economy and education. The model of the triple helix is shown as an example of paradigmatic approach. Index of Education and Human Development Index - an example of the statistical approach.
Maksim Vasilev. "Managed" chaos as technology neo-colonial redivision of the world // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/9049/
The article deals with the technology of the "controlled chaos" as the package of measures for the erosion of cultural values of the nation and the destruction of the foundations of statehood. The practical application of this technology is a latent way of reformatting the contemporary world order. For the first time in modern political science author clearly marked stages of this technology in practice. We sketch the complex threats to national security.
Evgenii Lomako. From the Middle Ages to modern times: the appearance of the provincial cities of the Middle Poochya in the second half of the XVIII century // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/9079/
In the article the question of changes in shape of the provincial cities of the Middle Poochya Catherine's era under the influence of ideas policeman device of the second half of the XVIII century.
Tatyana Grydkina, Aleksandr Izmalkov. Cost management in the agricultural production: the cost of the factors affecting the direction and its optimization // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/9098/
The article deals with the problem of cost management in the production of agricultural products, discussed the factors affecting the cost of, and directions for its optimization. The analysis of the dynamics of agricultural production costs by the example of milk in a particular business entity, the cost structure for the production of milk. It was found that the optimization of the cost of agricultural production has become more possible through the introduction of innovative production technologies and management systems.
Igor Miroshnichenko. On peculiarities of the stress-strain state of laminated cylindrical structures made of transversely isotropic materials // DOAJ - Lund University: Koncept : Scientific and Methodological e-magazine. - Lund, №4, 2016 (Collected works, Best Article). - URL: http://www.doaj.net/9110/
This article analyzes the characteristics of the stress-strain state of laminated cylindrical structures made of transversely isotropic materials, pulse action occurring due to the curvature of the surface of the examined structures and the physical and mechanical properties of materials layers.