Keyword: «vr technologies»

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The modern development of the economy and industry in Russia shows a great interest of employers in mid-level specialists. Today, there is interest on the part of the state in improving the quality of secondary vocational education (SVE), and "Professionalitet" is being actively introduced, suggesting more shortened temporary forms of training. At the same time, an employer would like to have a ready-made specialist with well-formed professional competences and personal characteristics. The purpose of this article is to consider possible options for improving the quality of education in the vocational education system, taking into account the trends in the development of modern society. This work is based on a theoretical review, analysis and generalization of domestic and foreign literature on the problem of the research. Thus, the development of the society under the circumstances of the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 is of great interest and dictates some requirements regarding the quality of education, the formation of competences, thinking. It was concluded that the presence of hard skills is not enough for a modern specialist, it is a great demand for creativity, the ability to spontaneity and improvisation, entrepreneurial thinking, courage, initiative. According to the studied literature, graduates of the vocational school have an insufficiently formed level of systemic thinking as the ability to analyze and make adequate decisions due to the predominance of clip thinking. Clip thinking, despite the speed of material analysis, is characterized by fragmentation and superficial assessment, which can negatively affect the successful functioning of a person in society. It is concluded that with the development of technology and clip thinking, the education system can no longer fully rely on traditional teaching methods, it must look for more effective and modern ways of interacting with students. One of these methods is virtual reality (VR technology). The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors identified the need to develop systems thinking among students of secondary vocational education institutions and the possibility of its development through the use of VR technologies, described ways of using virtual reality, which helps improve professional skills, as well as imagination, memory, cognitive abilities , and make non-standard decisions.
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Opportunities for teaching physical education and sports using VR technologies and simulators make it possible to create conditions that are as close as possible to real competitions and training, facilitating rapid and complete assimilation of the material and increasing student motivation. The development of computer technologies for modeling scenarios and creating virtual reality makes it possible to use VR in various fields, including sports training for schoolchildren, students and professional athletes. Recent studies show that virtual reality can significantly improve the effectiveness and quality of sports training, while promoting the physical development of young people and the development of modern sports. The introduction of innovative programs is especially relevant now, when there is a process of critical reflection on many theoretical and practical methods in the field of physical education of youth within the framework of standard educational programs. VR technologies are gradually being introduced into training programs for professional athletes in high-performance sports and can significantly improve the quality of education among schoolchildren and students. The aim of the work is to identify the influence of the latest virtual technologies on the results of students’ sports training, as well as to find out their effectiveness in comparison with traditional teaching methods. As part of the study, we made an analysis of current trends in the use of virtual reality and simulators in sports and also examined the results of previous scientific research on this topic. An experimental study was conducted during which the participants were divided into two groups: one was trained exclusively within the framework of standard curriculum, the second with the additional use of modern simulators. The study resulted in a number of proposals for the development of a new methodology for physical education classes and sports using VR technologies, which allow one to apply the skills and experience gained in a virtual environment in the real world. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the developed methodology for teaching youth sports disciplines and physical education using simulators and VR technologies as a more effective analogue of the standard curriculum. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using computer technologies to optimize the learning process, as well as to organize sports training in any conditions.