The development of cinematographic concepts in the fine art of Leonardo da Vinci

Abstract. The article "The development of cinematographic concepts in the fine art of Leonardo da Vinci" is devoted to the problems of transmission of the masters of the genre of visual style changes both in time and space within the picture plane. Filmmaking is something already established in the visual arts, but located on a new round of technical and artistic progress. The study determined the common roots underlying the cinematic and fine craftsmanship, as well as cinematic technology, trends, styles, and language, developed long before the birth of the movie, and then became popular in it. Tracing the relationship between the image in the painting and screen works by detecting visual formula in cinematic and cinematic in the works of the great masters of painting, especially in the works of Leonardo da Vinci, we can prove that the desire to not only copy and reflect the world around us, but also to transmit its change in space and time, that is to create a special type of module imagery, appeared from the very beginning of his artistic aspects of human activity. And that is the genius who wrote the "Mona Lisa", created a dramatic kinoobraz, determined development of future dynamic art, cinematic system of imprinting.