Georgy Gerkushenko

City: Volgograd
Work: Volgograd State Technical University Russia
Post: Associate Professor at the chair of CAD
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
3 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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The paper describes the research results of the readiness of preschool education students to realization of professional functions. The authors describes diagnostic complex and the criteria for evaluation of investigated phenomenon. Professional features are correlated with components of professional competence, which is formed within the professional pedagogical education.
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The paper deals with the organization of the teachers’ professional learning communities in the Internet. The essential characteristics of the community as a form of interaction between the teachers and the technology of the designing a web-based professional learning communities are described.
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The authors highlight the aspects of using webinars as a tool for organizing methodical scaffolding and support of preschool education teachers’ activity. The authors analyze the possibilities of existing Internet technologies for organizing methodical scaffolding process. They describe the didactical features of webi-nars, and their didactical functions.