Irina Vashenko

City: Ekaterinbyrg
0 Publications in RSCI
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3 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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The multi-genre works of Paul Heyse have not been sufficiently studied yet. This article is the first attempt to consider not only short stories, but also the poetry of the author in the context of Biedermeier literature. Based on the analysis of several novels and poems of the writer, the article illustrates the peculiarities of such a significant dominant of the Biedermeier style as “home” embodiment in Heyse's works.
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The article discusses the compositional features of P. Hayse's novelettes and the use of retrospective method as fundamental one in their creation. Based on the analysis of several author’s novelettes, the article proves the special role of retrospection for the plot of works. The plot of novelettes becomes whole, because the past and the present are inextricably intertwined.