Tatyana Cherevichko

City: Saratov
Work: Institute of History and International Affairs, Saratov State University
Post: Professor, Headmistrees
0 Publications in RSCI
0 H-index
8 PAPAI index
3 Publications in the journal


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The paper deals with Internet marketing definition and its channels and instruments. The authors define its role in promotion of restaurant services and reveal specific features of restaurant service promotion in Internet.
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Globalization and integration of economic, political and information space have led to changes in the tourist area. To study and understand the tourist space tourism it should be considered as a system, i.e. the inter-connection of geographical, social and productive systems. The paper describes the elements and relation-ships of tourism, also in terms of its regulation and management. Inhomogeneity of tourist space allows to make its typology taking into account tourist risks.
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The author considers the features of the service-industrial economy. The main condition of this type of economy is an interactive service of enterprises. The author identifies the number of trends of service-industrial economy, reflecting the development of online relationships.