Yulia A. Kirillova

City: Kirov, Russian Federation
Work: Vyatka State University
Post: Student
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The study of alienation of educational work and psychological well-being is especially relevant, since it helps to more deeply understand the dynamics of the educational process and its impact on the psychological condition of students. The purpose of the study is to find relation between these phenomena, as well as between their forms and components. There is a significant inverse correlation between the general level of alienation of educational work and the general level of psychological well-being. Indicators of the general level of psychological well-being are negatively affected by all forms of students’ academic work alienation (vegetativeness, impotence, nihilism and adventurism). Vegetativeness does not negatively affect only such components of psychological well-being as positive relationships and personal growth, and adventurism does not affect environmental management, goals in life and self-acceptance.