Keyword: «background knowledge»

The article presents the results of a study of the role and significance of the linguistic and cultural aspect in teaching English vocabulary. The authors found that through linguistic and regional studies it is possible to increase the cognitive activity of students, it contributes to the development of communication skills, introduces them to the culture of the country of the studied language, and allows them to realize the goals and objectives set for the teacher in the educational standard. When conducting practical classes using linguistic and cultural elements and material, it should be taken into account that the success of classes is based on such requirements as relevance, richness of information, novelty, as well as compliance with the level of foreign language proficiency of students and taking into account their interests. In practical classes, role-playing games, virtual excursions and travel can be used, thanks to which vocabulary is replenished.
The article focuses on teaching a foreign language taking into account the cultural aspect. To implement this idea, it is suggested to create a lesson based on a mythological text. The structure of the integrated lesson and methodological recommendations are described. The article provides an analysis of the results of a pedagogical experiment on conducting such lessons.