Keyword: «crm-system»

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The article is devoted to the choice of software for daily use in the operation of a small business. Examines the programs designed to help in building reporting efficiency, as well as in maintaining a high level of cus-tomer service.
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CRM it is the most modern technology, combined with strategic planning, marketing methods, organizational and technical means. "Customer Relationship Management" is a business ideology designed to improve the profitability of the company's operations by optimizing work with consumers. In other words, it is a technology that allows increasing the profit of an enterprise at controlled costs. Instead of CRM, the notion of "customer loyalty management" is also used. It is in controlled loyalty that the meaning of CRM lies.
This article discusses popular CRM systems for developers that take into account the complexity and opacity of the construction business. The functional capabilities of systems and tasks that should be solved by systems in this industry are presented.