Keyword: «government regulation»

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An important event in our country's economy is the entry August 22, 2012 Russia to the World Trade Organization. And a particularly hot topic at the moment is the development of sustainable agriculture in a completely new environment. The questions of state support for agriculture during the "transition period" in terms of membership in the WTO.
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The author views the market model of scientific and technological development, concerned with the type of social and economic development of the country, which was initially characterized b y strong presence cor-porations. The place of the state policy in this sphere is limited by the traditional areas of responsibility for the production of public goods.
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The paper describes the main features and tendencies in the timber processing complex development, defines the role of state timber industry regulation, presents the list of methods to increase the complex efficiency, such as introduction of innovative technologies, state regulatory and social control strengthening, population awareness growth.
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The paper analyzes the effectiveness of state regulation of the branch markets, including the timber processing complex; highlights the shortcomings of the system of state regulation and measures for improving management in the timber industry.
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The article discusses the need for state support of intereconomic cooperation and analyzes special koefftsienty comparing actual performance with list prices.