Keyword: «intermediality»

The paper describes the practical application of the concept of intermediality – internationally recognized research field – in the English language classroom. The analysis is based on the analysis of three films – Dead Poets’ Society, Mona Lisa Smile, and Words and Pictures. The paper shows how different media interact both explicitly and implicitly in individual films thus enhancing the intellectual, aesthetic and emotional substance of the films. The study presents practical advice on interpreting texts of films and illustrates how new types of meanings are established in between visual and other arts.
The current research studies the categories of intermediality and intertextuality as the key features of postmodern paradigm. The research highlights cinematic intermediality in general, and Woody Allen’s films, in particular. Woody Allen skillfully captures the postmodern spirit in his works through multiple intertextual references, inter-arts associations, mixture of more than two genres. The combination of the above features creates a special atmosphere of Woody Allen’s films that renders his understanding of postmodern aesthetics.
The article discusses the intermediate elements that influence the development of the story's plot. During the analysis, it was found that painting descriptions, or pictorial ecphrasies, in a made of character system contribute to the creation of a meaningful mythological subtext. It is stated that the deep meaning of Ulitskaya's work is most fully revealed through intertextual references and allusions.
The article is devoted to the study of the concept of foreign reception in the framework of an intermediate approach. The theoretical foundations of the intermedial approach and intertextuality are analyzed. From the presented observations, it can be seen that researchers have different approaches to reception. It is revealed that the main way of carrying out foreign reception is transfers. As an example for analysis, the translation of the Yakut poet I. Arbita “Min Mayagym” (1936) of the poem by the Russian symbolist poet V. Bryusov “My Lighthouse” (1914) is taken.