Keyword: «law»

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The crisis of the traditional family becomes important research methods and techniques of social regulation of family relations in contemporary reality. Particular attention is paid to the legal regulation of having the author's opinion the fundamental nature of the general system of social regulation, its value in the preservation of traditional moral family values.
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Article is devoted to questions of standard regulation of the public relations. Specifics of the right as social regulator, its place in system of social norms are considered. The conclusion that now in many spheres of public life of Russia legal ways of regulation prevail not locates.
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The article deals with the internationalization of economic life, which leads to the development of international transport, in particular to international carriage by air, the advantage of which is high speed. Air transport provides for the development of integration flows, trade expansion, cost-effective distribution of goods and services.
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The article describes the present stage of human development of the state, where they interact with each other in various areas, including economic. Between States every year increasing economic relations, result-ing in an increase in the number of foreign economic relations and, consequently, commodity-money relations. They all need proper organization, organizing, and control of the States.
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In this paper, based on the analysis of numerous statistical data analysis is made of small and medium-sized businesses Tula region at the present stage.