Keyword: «musculoskeletal system»

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The paper deals with the issues related to the use of specially-preparatory exercises in practical classes on physical training for flexibility. Methodological base of the research are the theoretical basis for building training sessions.
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this article examines the state of the problem of children with cerebral palsy and identifies the features of their physical development, as well as assesses the impact of recreational swimming on changes in the anthropometric indicators of children with cerebral palsy.
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one of the modern activities at all stages and periods of people with various health disorders is adaptive physical rehabilitation. However, the issues of rehabilitation of students with musculoskeletal disorders are not sufficiently studied. This article describes the method of adaptive physical rehabilitation of students with disorders of the musculoskeletal system by the method of coupled development of physical qualities, and also identifies the distinctive features of this method. The results that will be obtained in the course of the study can be used in various educational institutions.