Keyword: «pension reform»

the article presents the materials about reform and the components of the pension system, pension reform, the existence of future changes in the system, the peculiarities of the increase of insurance and the pros and cons of pension reform in the Russian Federation.
The article describes the forward-looking indicators of pension provision in the Russian Federation until 2030 and proposed measures to improve the pension insurance system
The article presents general theoretical and practical aspects of reforming the pension system of the Russian Federation. It is pointed out the fallacy and haste of raising the retirement age. Critics of the unpopular idea adopted by the first reading in the State Duma are criticized. The main statistical data on budget dynamics are presented, the mechanism of pension provision and the financial management of the fund are critically analyzed, and some measures are proposed to solve the problem.
The article discusses the history of the formation and evolution of the pension system of the Russian Federation. The pension system is part of the social protection of the population and affects the interests of both working and non-working citizens. Building a pension system is relevant for any country. The research focuses on the key stages in the development of the pension system and Russian pension legislation. The article analyzes the legislative framework of the USSR pension system, which laid the legal foundations for the Russian national pension system. The pension system defines the patterns and trends of its development, which led to the creation of a three-tier pension system in Russia. It is noted that the transition to insurance principles of functioning has eased the burden on the Russian budget system, but at the same time, due to the low level of replacement of insurance pensions, it has caused the need for the development of non-state pension financing mechanisms. It is concluded that further legal regulation of the pension system should be aimed at expanding the role of non-state pension provision and insurance.
The article discusses current problems and prospects of development of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The current state of the pension system, current problems of the Pension Fund of Russia and prospects for its development are analyzed.